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At AM Associates, we believe that dreams don’t become reality through magic. It takes lots of hard work and determination. With a strong work ethic and a self determination for doing things right, Mr. Amin Jan is a living example of someone making their dreams come true. He established AM Associates at the age of 20, taking a huge risk at his age to start a business. He is a true inspiration for the youth of Pakistan. With the success of AM associates, Mr. Amin Jan has made it clear that anyone, no matter the age, can achieve their dreams with hard work and dedication.

In 1994, Mr. Amin Jan started AM Associates with a project for the “Asian Development Bank” in Peshawar. The timely and high-quality deliverance of this project gave AM Associates a strong base in the industry. Following this early success, the company found its way into road & sewer construction, sewerage treatment and supplying equipment to the government sector. Since the beginning, he infused the organization with strong core values and set the standard for his brain child, AM Associates.

The company expanded quickly into various sectors of the industry, such as infrastructure development, pre-fabricated steel structures, dams & hydro power construction, drainage & canal work, sewerage & water supply, electrical work and civil engineering work. The company has always believed in limitless expansion, and due to this belief, are now operating in multiple industries.

Over recent years the business has grown by leaps and bounds, attracting expert construction professionals with diverse backgrounds and has formed a team that is able to complete any challenge handed to them. As the company expanded, so did its reach — projects spread through-out Pakistan and its regions. After completing many successful projects with sincerity and hard work, like the construction of the Hazara Motorway (CPEC), the company is now considered one of the biggest national brands of Pakistan in the construction industry.

© AM Associates